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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Midweek Inspiration: Everything Under the Bloody Sun!

The Beginning of Something Great!

I was very impressed with the promotion and execution of the Blood in the Sun Tournament.  Well done Grant Fetter and the Garagehammer crew!  Although, I didn't actually attend the tournament, I did follow it's progress via twitter, read the blog reports of the event, and of course also listened to the podcasts which recorded at the event.  So for this weeks Midweek Inspiration I thought I'd share with you some pics and links that lead to coverage of the event!
Blooming Blogs

The awesome thing about the Blood in the Sun tournament was
that not only did you get great coverage of the event while it was happening, but many bloggers returned home to continue the coverage with tons of battle reports, and thoughts on the event.  Rhellion's Table Top and The Big House have taken the time to write up some detailed battle reports, where as Retroalias gives brief, but informative, reports as well as many photos, see pic of his Tomb Kings army above.
Podcast Production

Garagehammer and Ohiohammer recorded live at Blood in the Sun, and I think they did a great job of capturing the excitement and atmosphere at the event.  I'm also sure the Pointhammered boys will have some coverage on their next episode, but in the mean time be sure to checkout Johnny Hastings Beastmen pictured above.  Thanks to Retroalias for the link.  Bit of a quick one, but I am currently traveling across Canada! Thanks for reading and please follow the blog if you enjoy the posts!

Mike Sweetman


  1. Great Job as always mike!~

  2. Thanks Adam...what do you think of Johnny's Beastmen?

  3. Johnnys Beastmen army is without a doubt the most beautiful army ive seen in person. It was amazing. It's hard to find an army where every single model is painted to GD standards.

  4. Thanks for the comment Rob! I really enjoyed listening to the last Pointhammered show were Johnny describes the steps he takes when highlighting! It's something I need to work on...I always take short cuts and go for extreme highlights! I think Blood in the Sun is really going to blow up next year! I'm even thinking of going, and I'm not within driving distance :-)
